Jitendra Madhav Ramchandani

March 19, 2014

We Have Enough Companies Like Apple

Via Behance 99u in an interview by Scott Belsky.

About this interview There are only a few people who have worked directly under Steve Jobs, and Allison Johnson is one of those people. The former head of marketing at Apple, Johnson oversaw the launch of the company’s hallmark products like the iPhone and its famous campaigns like 

December 28, 2013

How to live before you die - Steve Jobs' Speech in Stanford


Thank you. I'm honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college and this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation.

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots.

December 26, 2013

Our Dangerous Obsession with External Recognition

Came across a lovely post by Daniel Gulati on HBR which discusses the problem of 'Visibility vs Vision'. This applies to all aspects of our lives - the work, home and society.

Here is the full article.

Rebecca, a tech entrepreneur, would love you to equate her company’s expansive press coverage with real value creation. “Yesterday, we got written up in TechCrunch and LA Magazine, and we all had dinner at Nobu to celebrate!” She will, however, conveniently forget to mention that her startup has yet to settle on a viable business model and has zero paying customers.

John, a middle manager at a Fortune 500, attended no less than 21 industry conferences this year in an effort to increase his overall visibility. “It’s all about optics,” he says, “and you need to be everywhere.” While John was schmoozing on the company’s dime, his team members were starved of the leadership and hands-on coaching they desperately needed.

November 27, 2013

MIT Invents Tangible User Interface - Combines the Digital and Physical World!

MIT's Tangible Media Group has invented TUI - that is Tangible User Interface. Yes, you can touch it, feel it like a tangible 3D object.

The vision is to integrate the world of bits (digital) and atoms (physical) to give physical form to the digital information.

Image source FastCoDesign

July 02, 2013

Dieter Rams' ten principles of good design

Dieter Rams (Photo compiled & edited by Jitendra Madhav Ramchandani)

Germany was perhaps the 'silicon valley' of industrial revolution during those times as California is known today for software; consequently so many leaders and brands in design and industrial design in particular were sculpted there. From automobile to all sorts of tangible products, German brands have made their mark globally.

In fact Apple's Jon Ive has acknowledge the impact of Dieter Rams on Apple's design.

I was reading about Dieter Rams and love reading about his style and enthusiasm about making things simpler and simplest.

Just summarizing his famous Ten principles of Design.